Transportation Grant Request


(Bussing reimbursement for schools)

The IQhub is a 501c3 nonprofit educational center for agricultural history, innovation and exploration. For growing minds, we offer real-world and hands-on experiences specifically centered-around agriculture and the environment.  To support educators and remove financial barriers for school districts, the IQhub offers transportation grants which are designed to help pay for the costs of transporting students/members to and from their district to the IQhub in St. Johns, Michigan.


When a group is interested in visiting the IQhub and needs assistance with transportation costs, they should go the IQhub website and fill out the Transportation Grant Application (BELOW).

Prior to applying, group leaders should contact their transportation department for a cost estimate to travel to the IQhub.  Estimates should include details such as round-trip mileage, cost of fuel, driver’s wages, etc.

Grant application MUST BE submitted at least 5 business days prior to the field trip, not after the trip date. 


The IQhub Grant Committee will review the grant request and notify the applicant of the committee’s decision via email. Grant requests are typically reviewed on a weekly basis and are awarded based on available funds. Grant requests received after the field trip will be automatically declined.

PNC Foundation is the generous sponsor of the transportation grants.  Grant requests should not exceed $500.00 so that we may assist as many schools as possible.


 Upon completion of the group’s visit to the IQhub, a final invoice for the trip should be submitted within 45 days.  Please make sure the invoice is on school letterhead and sent to the IQhub Email:

Accounting staff will compare the final invoice against the committee-approved grant request. If the final invoice is at the approved amount or lower, a check will be issued to the school district. Checks are typically issued twice each month.

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